Budapest, 5th district, 9 Károlyi Mihály Street,The most important data of the property
Address: H-1053 Budapest, 5th district, 9 Károlyi Mihály Street,
Number of storeis:
Gross size of property: 5769 sqm
Guide price: 12 000 000 € The property profileThe building in downtown Budapest (with a floor area of) was built in 1885, according to the plans of architect Zsigmond Quittner. It originally was a tenement building, on the ground floor of which Central Café opened in 1887. The neoclassical building became famous by Central Café. In the café, occupying the entire ground floor of the building, the greatest Hungarian writers and journalists were regulars, making the place one of the centers of Hungarian intellectual life. The renovation of the building was completed in 2000. After the complete renovation, on the upper floors of the five-story building „A” category offices for rent were established, with an automatic garage for 20 cars, while almost the entire ground floor and basement are operated by Central Café. The representative office building is characterized by high-level design an excellent central location. |
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